1997 S. Adalberto - Ungheria
1997 S. Adalberto - Czech Republic
1997 S. Adalberto - Poland
1997 S. Adalberto - Germany
1998 Christmas - Croazia
2000 Islanda - Cristianesimo
2000 Poland - John Paul II's birthday
2002 Natale - Nuova Zelanda
2003 XXV Pontificato GPII - Polonia - foglietto
2003 - Francobollo argento - Polonia
2004 - Poland and Europe - Poland
2005 - Switzerland Guard - Switzerland
2005 - Switzerland Guard sheet- Switzerland
2005 - Museum of the Louvre - France
2005 - Day of the young people - Germany
2005 - Day of the Young People sheet - Germany
2006 - Diplomatic Relations - Singapore
2006 - Diplomatic Relations - sheet - Singapore
2007 - Malta - Christmas
2008 - Germany - Christmas
2009 - Gibraltar - Lady of Europe
2010 - Israel Pope's Trip
2010 - Romania - Christmas
2011 - Poland Beatification of Pope Giovanni Paolo II
2011 - Croazia - Boscovich
2011 - Spain - Youth Day
2012 - Germania - Madonna Sistina
2012 - Joan of Arc - France
2013 Czech Republic - Saints Cyril and Methodius
2013 Bulgaria - Saints Cyril and Methodius
2013 - Slovakia - Saints Cyril and Methodius
2013 - Argentina - Beginning of the Pontificate of Pope Francis
2013 - Aland - Christmas - Pinturicchio
2014 - Poland - Pope John Paul II Canonization
2014 - Poland - Pope John XXIII and John Paul II Canonization
2014 - Poland - Pope John Paul II Canonization mini sheet
2014 - Thailand - 350th anniversary of the Synod of Ayutthaya
2014 - Argentina - Christmas
2014 - Viaggio Papa Francesco - Filippine
2015 - Travel Pope Francis - Israel
2016 - 350th ann. election of the Virgin Mary - Luxembourg