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Trieste Zona B refers to the area of Trieste that was designated as part of the Free Territory of Trieste, specifically under the administration of the Allied Military Government. After World War II, the territory was divided into two zones: Zone A, administered by the Allies, and Zone B, administered by Yugoslavia.

Following the war, Trieste became a contested area due to its strategic location. The Free Territory of Trieste was established in 1947 as a compromise to resolve territorial disputes between Italy and Yugoslavia. Zone B included parts of the city and surrounding areas, and it was administered by Yugoslavia until the eventual annexation by Italy in 1954.

The Yugoslav administration brought various cultural and political influences to the area, affecting local governance and society. During the period of Zone B, specific postage stamps were issued for the area, which are of interest to collectors due to their historical significance.

The transition from Yugoslav to Italian administration began with the Treaty of Osimo in 1975, which formally recognized the borders established after World War II.

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