1879 37 Head of King Umberto I - 5c green
1879 38 Head of King Umberto I- 10c carmine
1879 39 Head of King Umberto I - 20c orange
1879 40 Head of King Umberto I - 25c azure
1879 41 Head of King Umberto I - 30c brown
1879 42 Head of King Umberto I - 50c violet
1879 43 Head of King Umberto I - 2L vermilion
1889 44 Coat of arms - 5c green
1889 45 Head of King Umberto I - 40c brown
1889 46 Head of King Umberto I - 45c olive
1889 47 Head of King Umberto I - 60c violet
1889 48 Head of King Umberto I - 1L brown yellow
1889 49 Head of King Umberto I - 5L green carmine
1890 50/55 Stamps for parcel posts them of the 1884 overprint Valevole to you for press
1890 56/58 Head of King Umberto I overprinted one on the n. 37, 41 and 42
1891 59 Coat of Arms - 5c green
1891 60 Head of King Umberto I - 10c carmine
1891 61 Head of King Umberto I - 20c orange
1891 62 Head of King Umberto I - 25c azure
1891 63 Effigie di Umberto I - 45c oliva
1891 64 Head of King Umberto I - 5L carmine azure
1896 65 Coat of Arms of Savoia 1c brown
1896 66 Coat of Arms of Savoia 2c - red tawny
1896 67 Coat of Arms of Savoia 5c green