1951 Centenary of First Tuscan Stamp
1951 33rd International Motor Show, Turin.
1951 Consecration of Hall of Peace, Rome.
1951 29th Milan Fair.
1951 10th International Textile Art and Fashion Exhibition, Turin.
1951 500th Birth Anniv of Columbus.
1951 Int Gymnastic Festival, Florence.
1951 Restoration of Montecassino Abbey
1951 Triennial Art Exhibition, Milan
1951 500th Birth Anniv of Perugino (painter).
1951 World Cycling Championship
1951 15th Levant Fair, Bari
1951 Birth Centenary of Francesco Paolo Michetti (painter).
1951 Sardinian Postage Stamp Centenary
1951 3rd Industrial and Commercial Census
1951 50th Death Anniv of Giuseppe Verdi (composer)
1951 Forestry Festival
1951 The complete year