1952 150th Birth Anniv of Bellini (composer)
1952 Bicentenary of Construction of Caserta Palace by Vanvitelli
1952 1st Int Sports Stamps Exhibition, Rome
1952 30th Milan Fair
1952 500th Birth Anniv of Leonardo da Vinci. da Vinci
1952 Modena and Parma Stamp Centenary
1952 Overseas Fair, Naples
1952 26th Biennial Art Exhibition, Venice
1952 30th Padua Fair
1952 4th Trieste Fair
1952 16th Levant Fair, Bari
1952 5th Birth Cent of Savonarola (reformer)
1952 1st Civil Aeronautics Law Conf, Rome ICAO
1952 Alpine Troops National Exhibition
1952 Armed Forces Day
1952 Centenary of Mission to Ethiopia Massaia
1952 Birth Centenary of Mancini (painter)
1952 Birth Centenary of Gemito (sculptor)
1952 Centenary of Martyrdom of Belfiore
1952 The complete year