1955 Death Centenary of Silvio Pellico (dramatist)
1955 Italy at Work
1955 Siracus. Stelle 17 val.
1955 Encouragement to Taxpayers
1955 4th World Petroleum Congress
1955 Death Cent of Rosmini (theologian)
1955 International Medical Conf, Verona
1955 Bicentenary of Elevation of Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi to Papal Chapel
1955 Centenary of Montani Institute, Fermo
1955 Siracusana Lire 100
1955 50th Anniv of Int Agricultural Institute
1955 10th Anniv of F.A.O.
1955 70th Birth Anniv of Giacomo Matteotti (politician)
1955 30th Death Anniv of Grassi (biologist)
1955 5th Death Cent of Fra Beato Angelico (painter)
1955 Birth Centenary of Pascoli (poet)
1955 Annata completa con posta aerea e espresso