1958 - Inaug of FlumendosaMulargia Irrigation Scheme, Sardinia
1958 Centenary of Apparition of Virgin Mary at Lourdes
1958 - 10th Anniv of Constitution
1958 Brussels International Exhibition
1958 - Birth Centenary of Puccini (operatic composer).
1958 - Birth Centenary of Leoncavallo (operatic composer)
1958 - Birth Centenary of Giovanni Segantini (painter)
1958 - 50th Death Anniv of Giovanni Fattori (painter)
1958 - Visit of Pres. Gronchi to Brazil
1958 - Europe
1958 - 1st Naples Postage Stamps Centenary
1958 - 350th Birth Anniv of Evangelista Torricelli (physicist)
1958 - 40th Anniv of Victory in World War I
1958 - Visit of Shah of Iran.
1958 - Birth Centenary of Eleonora Duse (actress)
1958 - 10th Anniv of Premio Italia
1958 - Pneumatic Post Lire 10
1958 - Espresso Lire 75
1958 - Yhe complete year with Express and Pneumatic Post