1968 Year 43 stamps
Introduction of Postal Codes 2° issue
Italia Turrita
400th Birth Anniv of Luigi Gonzaga (St. Aloysius)
50th Death Anniv of Arrigo Boito (composer and librettist)
500th Death Anniv of Francesco Baracca (airman of World War I)
G.Vico Italian Philosopher Birth Anniv.
World Road Cycling Championships
Tommaso Campanella 4° cent.
Death Bicentenary of Canaletto (painter)
Death Centenary of Gioacchino Rossini (composer)
50th Anniv of Victory in World War I.
50th Anniv of Postal Cheque Service
Space Telecommunications Centre, Fucino
10° Stamp Day
flora 3° issue
1968 The complete year