1975 Year 43 stamps
- Holy Year
- 500th Birth Anniv of Michelangelo
- 30th Anniv of Italian Resistance Movement
- Europa
- International Women's Year
- Italian Space Project
- Tourist Publicity (2nd series)
- Italian Artists' Annivs (2nd series)
- 450th Birth Anniv of Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (composer)
- Italian Emigration
- Centenary of Unification of Italian Laws
- 21st International Railway Congress, Bologna
- 32nd Death Anniv of Salvo d'Acquisto (carabiniere who sacrificed himself to save 22 hostages)
- Centenary of State Archives Unification
- Italian Fountains (3rd series)
- Italian Composers 3° series
- Christmas
- 17° Stamp Day
- 600th Death Anniv of Giovanni Boccaccio
- 1975 The complete year