1988 Year 39 stamps
Homo aeserniensis
E.Q. Visconti Lyceum, Rome
Death Centenary of St. John Bosco (founder of Salesian Brothers)
Anniversaries of Italian Artists (14th series)
500th Anniv of First Printing of Bible in Hebrew
Anti-epilepsy Campaign
Tourist Publicity (15th series)
World Cup Football Championship, Italy (1990) (1st issue)
A. C. Milan. National Football Champion, 198788
Artistic Heritage. Pergola Bronzes
900th Anniv of Bologna University
Piazzas (2nd series)
Folk Customs (7th series)
Int Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy Congress Rome
Italian Films. Scenes from and Advertising Posters of named Films 1° series
Italian Industry 9° series
450th Birth Anniv of St. Carlo Borromeo, Archbishop of Milan
Philatelic Day 3° series
Castles 6 stamps
1988 The complete year