1988 Year 39 stamps
- Homo aeserniensis
- E.Q. Visconti Lyceum, Rome
- Death Centenary of St. John Bosco (founder of Salesian Brothers)
- Anniversaries of Italian Artists (14th series)
- 500th Anniv of First Printing of Bible in Hebrew
- Anti-epilepsy Campaign
- Europa
- Tourist Publicity (15th series)
- Golf
- World Cup Football Championship, Italy (1990) (1st issue)
- A. C. Milan. National Football Champion, 198788
- Artistic Heritage. Pergola Bronzes
- 900th Anniv of Bologna University
- Piazzas (2nd series)
- Folk Customs (7th series)
- Int Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy Congress Rome
- Italian Films. Scenes from and Advertising Posters of named Films 1° series
- Italian Industry 9° series
- Christmas
- 450th Birth Anniv of St. Carlo Borromeo, Archbishop of Milan
- Philatelic Day 3° series
- Castles 6 stamps
- 1988 The complete year