1999 Year 49 stamps + Sheet and 2 Booklets
The Woman in the Art
Birth Centenary of Lucio Fontana (artist)
Holy Year 2000 1° series
Artistic Heritage 38° series - Church of S.Egidio
Tourist Publicity (26th series)
Constitutional Court
Fire Brigade
Modena Military Academy
50th Anniv of Death in Aircrash of Grand Turin Football Team
50th Anniv of Council of Europe
Milan, National Football Champion, 199899
20th Anniv of First Direct Elections to European Parliament
80th Birth Anniv of Fausto Coppi (racing cyclist)
Priority Mail stamp 1° series
Centenary of Fiat (motor manufacturer)
Centenary of Erection of Statue of Our Lady of the Snow on Mt. Rocciamelone
Death Bicentenary of Eleonora de Fonseca Pimentel (writer and revolutionary)
30th World Speed Canoeing Championships
250th Birth Anniv of Johann Wolfgang Goethe (poet and playwright)
World Cycling Championships, Treviso and Verona
Re-opening of Upper Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi
Stamp Day 13° series
Death Bicentenary of Giuseppe Parini (poet)
Bicentenary of Invention of Electrochemical Battery by Alessandro Volta
125th Anniv of Universal Postal Union
150th Death Anniv of Goffredo Mameli (poet and patriot) and 150th Anniv of Roman Republic
The Stamp Our Friend - Sheet
Centenary of Generation of '99
Holy Year 2000 3° series
Year 2000 1° series
Birth Centenary of Antonio Ligabue (artist)
Schools and Universities 13° series
Priority Mail - Booklet of 4 stamps
Priority Mail - Booklet of 8 stamps
1999 The complete year with Shhet and Booklets