2003 Year 59 stamps with two Sheets
The Republic Philatelic Exhibition in Monte Citorio
Tarvisio Winter Universiade
World Championships Ciclocross
Celebrations Alinari Brothers
Year disabled people
World Championship Nordic Ski
The National Civil Service
Priority Mail 5° set 6 stamps
5 ° Cent. The challenge of Barletta
Schools of Italy 18° set.
Art 58° set. Church of Scrovegni
School Gymnasium Gian Rinaldo Carli
4th cent. Accademia dei Lincei founded
The Woman in the Art 4° set. 0,41
World Fencing Championship
Golf Club of Rome Acquasanta
Tourist Publicity (30th series) - 3 stamps
University La Sapienza in Rome
National Museum of Pasta Foods
Schools of Italy 19° set
United Europe - Art of Poster 2 stamps
2003 - 50 ° Ann. Central State Archive
25 ° anniv. Of the death of Aldo Moro
Exhibition of stamps Veronafil
2003 Invention of the telephone - Antonio Meucci - Sheet
150 ° anniv. Invention of the motor outbreak
Art and culture 59 ° em. 70 ° Foundation. City of Latina
Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union
Cent. of the birth of Ezio Vanoni
3 ° cent. Birth of Corrado Giaquinto
2003 - 50 ° anniv. Death of Eugenio Balzan
5 ° cent. Birth Francecso Mazzolla told The Parmigianino
Italian Soccer - Juventus
Arts and Culture 60 * em. Abbey Nonantola
2003 Pioneers of aviation - Sheet
Pioneers of aviation - 4 stamps
2003 - Europalia Italy 2003
2003 - 75 ° Ann. The death of Giovanni Giolitti
2003 - Cent. Leonardo publication of the magazine - Editorial Vallecchi
The Family
2003 - Duccio di Buoninsegna
2003 - Bicentenary of the death of Vittorio Alfieri
2003 - Centenary of birth of Ugo La Malfa
2003 - 120 ° anniv. of Confedilizia
2003 - Bernardo Ramazzini founder of Occupational Medicine
2003 - Christmas 2 stamps
The Futurism - 2 stamps
Philatelic Day 17° set
2003 - 2004 The Woman in the Art 5°set 13 stamps
2003 The complete year with two Sheets