2008 Year 63 Stamps and one Sheet
2008 - Promulgation of the Italian Constitution
2008 - Corps volunteer Red Cross nurse
2008 - Centenary of birth of Amintore Fanfani
2 ° centenary of the Italian Borsa
Centenary of the first factory Olivetti
2 ° centenary of the death of Giuseppe Piermarini
Institutions 25 ° em Consiglio Naz Economia e lavoro
Dorando Pietri
"Nel blu dipinto di blu" - Sheet
Int Festival of Philately
Centenary of birth of Anna Magnani
2° centenary of Casa Ricordi
Schools of Italy, 27° em.
Centenary of the death of Edmondo de Amicis
Italian Art and Culture 76 ° emission- Il Pintoricchio
Italian Folclore 10 emission
120 ° ann Italian Rowing Federation
8° centenary of Regola Francescana
Roma Capitale 2008 - 2° emission
Int. Education and Sustainable Development
Centenary National Federation of Italian Press
Centenary of birth of Giovannino Guareschi
Centenary of birth of Ludovico Geymonat
Europe 2008 - Letter 2 stamps
5° centenary of birth of Andrea Palladio 2 stamps
4 ° centenary of the death of St. Francesco Caracciolo
The Regions of Italy 5° emission 4 stamps
Schools of Italy 28° emission - Collegio Guastalla
Motorbikes - The Ducati
150 ° ann of the birth of Giacomo Puccini
F C Internazionale National Football Champion 2007-2008
Olympics Game Pechino 2008
Centenary of birth of Tommaso Landolfi
Tourist Publicity 35° emission
The Made in Italy - zafferano e spaghetti
Italian Art and Culture 77° emission
Schools of Italy, 29° em.
Centenary of birth of Cesare Pavese
4° Centenary of the death of Alberico Gentili
Italian Art and Culture 78° emission
World Championships Road Race
Expo Italy 2009 - Rome
Day of philately 22° emission
Tribuno of Plebe
Christmas 2008
Italian Art and Culture 79° emission
Messina earthquake of 1908
Centenary of the Corriere dei Piccoli
2008 Year 63 stamps and one sheet