2010 the complete year
Centenary of the birth of Giorgio Perlasca
Italian Art and Culture 84° emission - sheet
Italian Folklore 12 ° emission
21st Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver
Cent. the birth of Flaiano E. and M. Pannunzio
Italian Art and Culture 85° emission
150th anniv. Province of Milan
Made in Italy - Alfa Romeo
Exposition of the Shroud
Centenary of the founding of the Confindustria
150 ° ann. The Expedition of the Thousand - Sheet
Italian Art and Culture 86° emission
Europe 2010 - Books for children
Nursing profession
Congregation of the Sisters of St. Camillus
Botanical Gardens of Hanbury Ventimiglia
Tourist Publicity 37° emission
2 nd cent. birth of Count Camillo Benso di Cavour
Cent. foundation Assonime
Italian Football Championship 2009-10 - Inter
Made in Italy - Federacciai
Post Italian - 2nd issue
Cent. the death of V. Schiaparelli
Jubilee Year Celestiniano
4 th cent. the death of Michelangelo Merisi called Il Caravaggio
50° Festival of Sarsina
Italian Art and Culture 87° emission
Poste Italiane 0,60 2° tiratura varietà busta oro
Michelangelo Merisi "Il Caravaggio" IV cent. of death
Joe Petrosino
XVII Olimpic Games “Roma 1960”
1 st National Meeting of the Vigili del Fuoco
Air National Acrobatic Patrol
Roma Capitale
Men's Volleyball World Championships
Corallo di Torre del Greco
High-Speed Rail Salerno Torino - Sheet
Corriere Adriatico di Ancona
Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato
Wine School of Conegliano
Leonardo Sciascia
Federazione Italiana Tennis
Pietro Annigoni
Cinema Italiano - foglietto
Natale 2010
Philately Day 2010
Made in Italy
Mario Mazzuca
2010 - Year 57 Stamps and 4 Souvenir Sheets