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Stamps Price List - Italian Area
Stamps Price List
Stamps Price List - Italian Area
Stamps - G.N.R. - R.S.I. - LUOGOTENENZA
Stamps - S.M.O.M.
Stamps Price List - Foreign Countries
Thematic Stamps
SAN MARINO - ORDINARY MAIL from 1877 to 1961
1877 1 Number 2 c. green
1877 2 View 5 c. yellow
1877 3 View 10 c. ultramarine
1877 4 View 20 c. red
1877 5 View 25 c. lacca
1877 6 View 30 c. brown
1877 7 View 40 c. lilla scuro
1892 8 View 5 c. on 10 c. azure
1892 9 View 5 c. on 30 c. brown
1892 10 View 10 c. on 20 c. red
1892 11 View 10/10 c. su 20 c. red
1892 12 Number 2 c. azure
1892 13 View 5 c. olive green
1892 14 View 10 c. green azure
1892 15 View 15 c. carmine brown
1892 16 View 30 c. light yellow
1892 17 View 40 c. brown
1892 18 View 45 c. olive green
1892 19 View 65 c. red brown
1892 20 View 1 Lira red yellow
1892 21 View 2 Lire brown orange
1892 22 5 Lire red green
1894 23 /25 Inauguration of the Palace of government
1894 26 Number 2 c. red
1894 27 View 5 c. green
1894 28 View 10 c. red brown
1894 29 View 20 c. lilac
1894 30 View 25 c. azure
1894 31 View 1 Lira ultramarine
1899 32/33 Statue of Liberty
1899 34 Number 2 c. violet
1899 35 View 5 c. green
1899 36 View 10 c. red
1899 37 View 20 c. orange
1899 38 View 25 c. azure
1899 39 View 30 c. red brown
1899 40 View 40 c. vermilion
1899 41 View 45 c. yellow
1899 42 View 65 c. brown
1899 43 View 1 Lira olive
1899 44 View 2 Lire violet
1899 45 View 5 Lire ardesia
1905 46 View 15 c. overprinted
1907 47/48 Arms on clear yellow paper
1910 49/50 Arms paper thin and yellow
1917 For Combatants. Optd 1917 Pro combattenti and value
1918 Stamps of 1910 overprinted c. 20 on 15
1918 For Combatants
1918 War Casualties Fund overprinted 6 stamps
1921 Number and views 13 stamps
1922 Service
1923 Delivery to San Marino of Italian Flag flown on Arbe
1923 San Marino Mutual Aid Society
1923 Red Cross Fund + express
1923 San Marino Volunteers in the Great War
1924 75th Anniv of Garibaldi's Refuge in San Marino
1924 Red Cross stamps of 1918 surch
1925 Views of 1903 12 v.
1926 Views of 1922-23 overprinted
1926 Death Centenary of Antonio Onofri, Father of the Country
1926 Express of 1923 surch. 1,85
1927 Onofri stamps of 1926 surch.
1927 Express surch.1,75
1927 War Cenotaph Commemoration
1928 700th Death Anniv of St. Francis of Assisi
1929 View, Palace and Liberty
1932 Inauguration of New Post Office
1932 Opening of San Marino Electric Railway - Rimini
1932 50th Death Anniv of G. Garibaldi
1933 20th Italian Philatelic Congress. Surch.
1934 Milan Fair
1934 Philatelic Exn. stamps of 1932 overprinted
1935 12th Anniv of San Marino Fascist Party
1935 Death Centenary of Melchiorre Delfico Historian of San Marino
1936 Onofri stamps of 1926 surch.
1936 S. Francesco stamps of 1928 surch.
1937 Independence
1938 Abramo Lincoln
1941 Stamps of 1925 Surch.
1942 Restoration of Italian Flag to Arbe (Rab) annexed by Italy in 1941
1942 Italian Philatelic Congress Rimini-S.Marino
1942 Stamp of set Arbe Surch.
1942 Stamp of set Delfico Surch.
1943 Press Propaganda
1943 Italian Philatelic Congress S.Marino-Riccione
1943 20 years of Fascism Unissued
1943 Fall of Fascism Surch. 28 luglio + Air Mail
1943 Provisional Govt. Optd GOVERNO PROVVISORIO + Air Mail
1944 Houses for the peoples + Air Mail
1945 50th Anniv of Government Palace
1945 50° Palace of Governament - Carducci 6 Stamps
1945 Arms Types
1946 UNRRA
1946 For Attendance
1946 National Philatelic Convention
1947 In Memory of President Franklin D. Roosevelt
1947 In Memory of President F. D. Roosevelt Surch + Air Mail.
1947 Stamps of set Arms Surch.
1947 Alberoniana + Air Mail
1947 Surch in figures
1947 Centenary of First U.S.A. Postage Stamp + Air Mail
1948 Workers' Issue
1948 Stamp Delfico Surch. L. 100
1949 Landscapes
1949 Stamp Day
1949 Centenary of Garibaldi's Retreat from Rome + Air Mail
1949 75th Anniv of U.P.U. L. 100
1951 Red Cross
1952 500th Birth Anniv. of Christopher Columbus + Air Mail
1952 Trieste Fair + Air Mail
1953 Sports + Air Mail
1953 Stamp Day S.Marino-Riccione
1953 Flowers 1° issue
1954 Sports 2° issue
1954 Statue of the Freedom + Air Mail
1955 7th International Philatelic Exhibition
1955 Winter Olympic Games, Cortina D'Ampezzo + Air Mail
1956 50th Anniv of Arengo + Winter Relief Fund
1956 Dogs
1956 Philatelic Exn. As T 128 but inscr 1956
1956 International Philatelic Congress
1957 Flowers 2° issue
1957 150th Birth Anniv of Garibaldi
1958 View L. 500
1958 36th Milan Fair + Air Mail
1958 Brussels International Exhibition
1958 Fruit and Agricultural Products
1958 Centenary of First Naples Postage Stamps + Air Mail
1959 Pre-Olympic Games Issue + Air Mail
1959 Abraham Lincoln's 150th Birth Anniv. + Air Mail
1959 World University Games Turin
1959 Romagna Stamp Centenary + Air Mail
1959 Centenary of First Sicilian Postage Stamp + Air Mail
1959 The complete year with Air Mail
1960 Birds
1960 Olympic games Rome + Air Mail
1960 Olympic games Rome N.D.
1960 Lions International Commemoration + Air Mail
1960 12th RiccioneSan Marino Stamp Day + Air Mail
1960 350th Death Anniv of Caravaggio (painter)
1960 The complete year with sheets
1961 Hunting 1st issue with Historical Scenes
1961 Centenary of Italian Independence Philatelic Exhibition, Turin
1961 Europa
1961 Bologna Stamp Exn.
1961 Year with air mail without souvenir sheet
SAN MARINO - ORDINARY MAIL from 1962 at today
San Marino year 1962
1962 - Veteran Motor Cars
1962 - Vintage Aircraft
1962 - Mountaineering
1962 - Hunting 2nd issue - Modern scenes
1962 - Europa
1962 - Europa - Sheet
1962 - The coplete year with Europa Sheet
San Marino year 1963
Historical Ships
Paintings by Raphael
Ancient Tournaments
San MarinoRiccione Stamp Fair
Olympic Games, Tokyo 1st issue
Contemporary Aircraft - Air Mail
1963 The complete year with Airt Mail
San Marino year 1964
Pre Olympic Games, Tokyo - 2nd issue
Olympic Games, Tokyo 2nd issue
Story of the Locomotive
8th European Baseball Championships, Milan
1st Death Anniv of John F. Kennedy President of U.S.A.
Modern Aircraft Lire 1.000 - Air Mail
Modern Aircraft - Sheet
1964 The complete year with Air Mail and Sheet
San Marino year 1965
Cycle Tour of Italy
Prehistoric Animals
700th Anniv of Dante's Birth
Visit of Pres. Saragat of Italy
Modern Aircraft Lire 500 - Air Mail
Modern Aircraft Lire 500 - Sheet
Express surch.
1965 The complete year with Air Mail, Sheet and Express
San Marino year 1966
Equestrian Sports
Paintings by Titian
Sea Animals
1966 The complete year with Express
San Marino year 1967
Flowers 3° issue
Paintings by Francesco Barbieri "Guercino"
Gothic Cathedrals
1967 The complete year
San Marino year 1968
Arms of San Marino Villages
671st Birth Anniv of Paolo Uccello (painter)
1968 The complete year
San Marino year 1969
The Good Government by Ambrogio Lorenzetti
525th Birth Anniv of Donato Bramante (architect and painter)
Horses and Carriages
Paintings by R. Viola
1969 The complete year
San Marino year 1970
Signs of the Zodiac
10th Europa Stamp Exhibition, Naples
65th Anniv of Rotary International
Death Bicentenary of Giambattista Tiepolo (painter)
4th Death Anniv of Walt Disney (film producer). Cartoon Characters
1970 The complete year
San Marino year 1971
Save Venice Campaign. Paintings by Canaletto
Italian Philatelic Press Union Congress
Etruscan Art 1° issue
Flowers 4° issue
1971 The complete year
San Marino year 1972
Allegory of Spring by Sandro Botticelli
16th-century paintings from former Government Palace
World Heart Year
Veterans of Philately
San Marino Coinage
Aircraft and Titan Mountain Lire 1.000 - Air Mail
1972 The complete year with Air Mail
San Marino year 1973
Important Cities of the World 1st issue New York.
Youth Games
Tourist Press Congress
San Marino's Victory in Crossbow Tournament
Christmas. 600th Birth Anniv of Gentile da Fabriano
1973 The complete year
San Marino year 1974
1974 - Ancient Weapons from Cesta Museum
1974 - Europa
1974 - 26° San MarinoRiccione Stamp Fair
1974 - 9th Crossbow Tournament, San Marino. Arms
1974 - Centenary of Universal Postal Union
1974 - Christmas
1974 - Death Centenary of Niccolo Tommaseo (writer)
50th Anniv of Gliding in Italy - Air Mail
1974 - The complete year with Air Mail
San Marino year 1975
1975 - Etruscan Art 2nd series Tomb Paintings
1975 - 30th Anniv of Escape of 100,000 Italian War Refugees to San Marino
1975 - Europa
1975 - Holy Year. Details from Frescoes by Giotto from Scrovegni Chapel, Padua
1975 - 15th Europa Stamp Exhibition, Naples
1975 - Eurocophar International Pharmaceutical Congress
1975 - Important Cities of the World 2nd series Tokyo
1975 - International Women's Year. Paintings by Gentilini
1975 - Christmas. 500th Birth Anniv of Michelangelo. Painting Doni Madonna and details
1975 - The complete year
San Marino year 1976
1976 - The Civil Virtues. Sketches by Emilio Greco
1976 - Bicentenario degli Stati Uniti d'America
1976 - Olimpiadi di Montreal
1976 - Europa Unita 2 val.
1976 - Centenary of San Marino Social Welfare Union
1976 - Esposizione Filatelica Italia 76
1976 - 30° anniv. UNESCO 2 val.
1976 - Christmas. 400th Death Anniv of Titian
1976 - The complete year
San Marino year 1977
1977 - San Marino 77 Int.Stamp Exhibition 1st issue + Air Mail
1977 - Europa Unita
1977 - Virtù civili by Emilio Greco
1977 - Centenary of San Marino Postage Stamps
1977 - Centenary of Enrico Forlanini's First Vertical Flight Experiment
1977 - Bucarest
1977 - Centenary of San Marino Postage Stamps 2 issue
1977 - Centenary of San Marino Postage Stamps - Sheet
1977 - World Rheumatism Year
1977 - Italian Pharmacists' Union Congress | Mint NH
1977 - Christmas
1977 - The complete year with Sheet
San Marino year 1978
World Baseball Championships
World Hypertension Month
30th San MarinoRiccione Stamp Fair
San Marino's Admission to the I.T.U.
Virtù Civili by Emilio Greco 3 issue
30th Anniv of Declaration of Human Rights
75th Anniv of First Powered Flight - Air Mail
1978 The complete year with Air Mail
San Marino year 1979
Birth Cent of Albert Einstein (physicist)
Fictional Detectives
14th Crossbow Tournament
Water Skiing Championships, Castelgandolfo
13th International Stomatology Congress
International Year of the Child
Environment Protection. Trees and Animals
1st Death Anniv of Giorgio de Chirico (painter)
1979 The complete year
San Marino year 1980
1500th Birth Anniv of Saint Benedict of Nursia
Anti-smoking Campaign
Europa Stamp Exhibition, Naples
International Stamp Exhibition and Important Cities of the World 4th series - London.
22° Olympic Games, Moscow
Birth Centenary of Robert Stolz (composer)
European Junior Weightlifting Championship
World Tourism Conference, Manila
Christmas. Details of Paintings by Andrea del Sarto
1980 The complete year
San Marino year 1981
International Year of Disabled Persons
International Stamp Exn and Important Cities of the World 5th series - Vienna
San Marino Motor Cycle Grand Prix
Birth Bimillenary of Virgil (poet)
Birth Bimillenary of Virgil (poet) - Sheet
European Junior Judo Championships
Urban Development Scheme
World Food Day
Birth Centenary of Pablo Picasso (artist)
Christmas. 500th Birth Anniv of Benvenuto Tisi da Garofalo (artist)
1981 The complete year with Sheet
San Marino year 1982
1982 - Centenary of Savings Bank
1982 - Cent. primi interi postali di San Marino
1982 - Pioneers of Science
1982 - Europe
1982 - Parigi 2 val.
1982 - 8° cent. nascita di S.Franceso d'Assisi
1982 - Visita di Giovanni Paolo II a San Marino
1982 - Amnesty International
1982 - Ass.Int. A.S.C.A.T.
1982 - Pro Rifugiati
1982 - Christmas
1982 - The complete year
San Marino year 1983
Pioneers of Science
Centenary of Secondary School
1983 - Europa
1983 - World Communications Year
1983 - Gran premio di Formula Uno a San Marino 2 val.
1983 - Bicentenario del primo volo umano
1983 - Rio de Janeiro 2 val.
1983 - World Food Programme
1983 - Natale dipinti di Raffaerllo Sanzio 3 val.
1983 - The complete year
San Marino year 1984
1984 - 90th Anniv of International Olympic Committee. I.O.C. Presidents
1984 - Europa 2 val.
1984 - Flag Wavers 2 val.
1984 - Olympic Games of Los Angeles - Sheet
1984 - World Motorcross Championship
1984 - Melbourne 2 val.
1984 - Visit of President Sandro Pertini of Italy
1984 - Youth Philately - cartoons of Jacovitti
1984 - Christmas. Designs showing details of Madonna of San Girolamo by Correggio
1984 - The complete year with minisheet
San Marino year 1985
1st Small States Games
1985 - Emigrazione
1985 - International Youth Year
1985 - 10° anniv.Conferenza di Helsinky
18th Int Federation of Photographic Art Congress
Birth Bicentenary of Alessandro Manzoni (writer). Scenes from I Promessi Sposi
World Angling Championships, River Arno, Florence
International Feline Federation Congress
Important Cities of the World 9th series - Rome
1985 The complete year
San Marino year 1986
Appearance of Halley's Comet
30th Anniv of Social Security Institute
Important Cities of the World 10th series - Chicago.
World Table Tennis Championships, Rimini
International Peace Year
Chinese Art - Sheet
European Boules Championships
25th Anniv of San Marino Choral Society
40th Anniv of U.N.I.C.E.F. Child Survival Campaign
Christmas. Triptych by Hans Memling
1986 The complete year with Sheet
San Marino year 1987
Motor Rallies
Art Biennale
Modern Sculptures in San Marino
Mediterranean Games, Syria
Olympic Stamp Exhibition and World Light Athletics Championships, Rome
The man and the society - Mahatma Gandhi
Important Cities of the World 11th series - Copenhagen
Christmas. 600th Birth Anniv of Fra Giovanni of Florence (Beato Angelico)
1987 The complete year
San Marino year 1988
Thematic Collecting
900th Anniv of Bologna University
40th Riccione Stamp Fair
Award of Celebrities of Show Business Prize to Federico Fellini
Olympic Games of Seoul - Sheet
Present Day Problems. International AIDS Congress, San Marino
Important Cities of the World 12th series - The Hague
Christmas. 550th Birth Anniv of Melozzo da Forli
1988 The complete year with Sheet
San Marino year 1989
Europa - Sheet
Nature is Beautiful
Postal History
Bicentenary of French Revolution
Award of Celebrities of Show Business Prize to Rudolph Nureyev (ballet dancer)
Important Cities of the World (13th series). Washington D.C.
Christmas. Details of the polyptych in Church of Servants of Mary
1989 The complete year with Sheet
San Marino year 1990
250th Anniv of End of Cardinal Alberoni's Occupation of San Marino
European Tourism Year
European Tourism Year - Booklet
Soccer World Championchip - Sheet
Award of Celebrities of Show Business Prize to Laurence Olivier (actor)
Visit of President Francesco Cossiga of Italy
Death Centenary of Carlo Collodi (writer). Characters from Pinocchio
500th Anniv (1992) of Discovery of America by Columbus (1st issue)
Flora and Fauna
Christmas. Details of Cuciniello Crib
1990 The complete year with Sheet and Booklet
San Marino year 1991
World of Stamps
500th Anniv (1992) of Discovery of America by Columbus (2nd issue)
Olympic Games, Barcelona
Centenary of Basketball
The New Europe - Sheet
100 Years of Radio (1st issue)
1991 The complete year witn Sheet
San Marino year 1992
500th Anniv of Discovery of America by Columbus (3rd issue)
Birth Bicentenary of Gioachino Rossini (composer)
100 Years of Radio (2nd issue)
Tuorism 2° issue - Booklet
Europa. 500th Anniv of Discovery of America
XXV Olympic Game of Barcellona - Sheet
Admission of San Marino to United Nations Organization
3rd Titano Mycological Exhibition, Borgo Maggiore
Christmas. 500th Death Anniv of Piero della Francesca (artist)
1992 The complete year with Sheet and Booklet
San Marino year 1993
Sporting Events
100 Years of Radio (3rd issue)
Inauguration of the state television - Sheet
The Village Europa - Sheet
Death Anniversaries
1993 The complete year with Sheets
San Marino year 1994
XVII Winter Olympic Games of Lillehammer - Sheet
Centenary of International Olympic Committee
100 Years of Radio (4th issue)
World Cup Football Championship, U.S.A.
Europa. Discoveries. Exploration of Sun by Ulysses Space Probe
Centenary of Government Palace
900th Anniv of Dedication of St. Mark's Basilica, Venice
900th Anniv of Dedication of St. Mark's Basilica, Venice - Sheet
Christmas. 500th Death Anniv of Giovanni Santi (painter)
Centenary of Italian Touring Club
1994 - The complete year with sheets
San Marino year 1995
European Nature Conservation Year
Sporting Events
Europa. Peace and Freedom
50th Anniv of U.N.O.
700th Anniv of Santa Croce Basilica, Florence
20th Anniv of World Tourism Organization
100 Years of Radio (5th issue). Centenary of First Radio Transmission
100 Years of Radio (5th issue). Centenary of First Radio Transmission - Sheet
Birth Centenary of the Movies - Sheet
Peking, and Important Cities of the World
Neri of Rimini Art and Literature Exn.
Inaug of San Marino Express Mail Service
1995 The complete year with Sheets
San Marino year 1996
Centenary of Modern Olympic Games
Europa. Famous Women - Madre Teresa di Calcutta
3rd Nature World Exhibition, Rimini
700th Anniv of Marco Polo's Return from Asia and China '96 International Stamp Exhibition, Peking
"Medieval Days Traditional Festival - Booklet
25th Anniv of San MarinoChina Diplomatic Relations
Italian Music. Singers and Their Songs - Sheet
33rd Festivalbar Song Festival
Centenary of La Gazzetta dello Sport (newspaper)
50th Anniv of U.N.E.S.C.O. World Heritage Sites
50th Anniv of U.N.I.C.E.F.
Christmas - Sheet
1996 The complete year with Sheets and Booklet
San Marino year 1997
World Skiing Championships, Sestriere
Hong Kong - Sheet
Sporting Events in San Marino
5th International Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects and Associated Phenomena, San Marino
120th Anniv of First San Marino Postage Stamp
Beatification of Father Bartolomeo Maria dal Monte
Italian Comic Strips - Sheet
The great automotive industries - Volkswagen - Sheet
Christmas painting of Giorgio vasari
Voluntary and Charitable Service
1997 The complete year with Sheets
San Marino year 1998
Birth Centenary of Enzo Ferrari (motor manufacturer). Racing Cars - Sheet
World Day of the Sick
Birth Bicentenary of Giacomo Leopardi (poet)
The flag in the Space - Sheet
World Cup Football Championship, France 98 - Booklet
Museum of the Emigrant
Science Fiction Novels - Sheet
International Stamp Fair, Riccione
50th Anniv of Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Italia 98 International Stamp Exhibition, Milan 1st issue
"Italia 98 International Stamp Exhibition 2nd issue -. Art Day
1998 The complete year with Sheets and Booklet
San Marino year 1999
400 Years of Opera - Sheet
12th World Hang-gliding Championship, Montecucco, Italy
San Marino Bonsai Exhibition
World Cycling Championships, Treviso and Verona, Italy
Europa. Parks and Gardens
50th Anniv of Council of Europe
150th Anniv of Garibaldi's Refuge in San Marino after Fall of the Roman Republic
125th Anniv of Universal Postal Union
Animals of S.Marino
Holy Year 2000
50th Anniv of San Marino Red Cross
100 years of Milan - Sheet
Architecture of Montefeltro
The great automotive houses 2° issue AUDI - Sheet
1999 The complete year with Sheets
San Marino year 2000
Holy year 2000 Two thousandth anniversary of the birth of Jesus - Sheet
The Twentieth Century - Sheet
International Institute of Administrative Science Conference, Bologna
5th Anniv of Rainbow International Association Against Drugs
40th Anniv of San Marino Rotary Club
Stampin' the Future. Winning Entries in Children's
Olympic Games, Sydney
Centenary of International Cycling Union
10th Anniv of International Convention on Children's Rights
50th Anniv of the European Convention on Human Rights
Churches of Montefeltro
1700th Anniv of San Marino - Booklet
2000 The complete year with Sheets and Booklet
San Marino year 2001
Ferrari World Championship of F - Sheet
10th Anniv of San Marino 24 Hour Yacht Race
Death Centenary of Guiseppe Verdi (composer). Scenes from named operas - Sheet
Emigration of the Sammarinese Exhibition, New York and 25th Anniv of San Marino Social Club, Detroit
Euroflora 2001 International Flower Show, Genoa
Europa. Water Resources
9th European Small States Games
50th Anniv of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
1700th Anniv of San Marino 2nd issue, scenes of Mount Titan
Inauguration of State Museum
"Defence of Nature Exhibition of Works by Joseph Beuys (artist)
United Nations Year of Dialogue among Civilizations
125th Anniv of San Marino Social Welfare Union
Introduction of Euro Coins and Banknotes
Christmas - Sheet
2001 The complete year with Sheet
San Marino year 2002
The colors of the life
Championship of the motorcycling world
Winter Olympic Games of Salt Lake City
Soccer World Championship - Sheet
Priority Mail
International year of the Mountain
125 anniversary of the first stamp pairs S.Marino - Sheet
10 anniversary of the Treaty of Maastricht
Old trades
International conference of the Amateur radios operator
Tourism - Sheet
Stamps of Auguries
Christmas - Sheet
2002 The complete year with Sheets
San Marino year 2003
The pleasures of our earth the Kitchen - Sheet
Great Masters of the Painting
World-wide championship of Nordic Ski - Sheet
The champions of the horse one
Fra Castoro "Veronafil"
100 years of the first motor airplane
Cycling - Sheet
300° anniversary of S.Pietroburgo
The art of the burattini
World Championship of Rugby
Reopening of the Theatre the Fenice to Venice
Christmas - Sheet
2003 The complete year with Sheets
San Marino year 2004
The Carnival of Venice
Championship of the World of Motorcycle Manuel Poggiali
Latin Union
20° European Conference Association Bonsai
Dedicated to China - Sheet
Centenary of the F.I.F.A.
Olympic Games of Athens
The great automotive houses "Volkswagen" - Booklet
A fable world
Personages of the literature
25° anniversary of the Meeting of Rimini - Sheet
450° anniversary of the foundation of the city of S.Paolo of Brasil
Personages of the painting
Theatre to the Scale of Milan - Sheet
2004 The complete year with Sheets and Booklet
2004 - Wolkswagen
San Marino year 2005
The Ferrari
Beato Alberto Marvelli
Centenary of the Int. Federation of Weight
78° National Assembly of the Alpini
Military service
The coins of S.Marino
History of the mail
The Variety - Sheet
150° anniversary of the birth of Giovanni Pascoli poet
Historical Regata of Venice
Great Italian wines - Sheet
300° anniversary of the birth of Pope Clemente XIV
Great customers self-sticking stamp
2005 The complete year with Sheets
San Marino year 2006
100° anniversary of Arengo of the Heads of household
500° anniv. of the dead of Cristoforo Columbus
Winter Olympic Games of Turin
Soccer World Championship in Germany
The two Republics - Sheet
50° anniv. of the body of the Crossbowmen
Charitable works
Italy Soccer World Championship 2006
125° Foundation Italian Federation of Games Gins
40° anniversary of the USFI 2 stamps
Celebrations of Author 4 stamps
Christmas 5 stamps
500° anniv. University of Bologna
Christmas in Booklet
2006 The complete year with sheet and booklet
San Marino year 2007
Presidency Committee of Ministers of Council of Europe - Sheet
Expo 2007 San Marino and A. Glaray
Gina Lollobrigida
Award Int. Philately of Religious
200 ° Ann. Of the birth of Giuseppe Garibaldi
Cent. Of the birth of Bruno Munari
World Athletics Osaka
2007 - Europe Cup of Baseball
Europa Scaut
Expo the Postiglione - Sheet
Rocche of Freedom - Sheet
Great Italian Wines - Sheet
Equal Opportunities
San Marino year 2008
Masterpieces returning
Centenary of the founding of the Inter
Year Int. of Planet Earth
175th Ann. the first post office in San Marino
European Year of Intercultural Dialogue - Sheet
150 Ann. of appearance of Our Lady of Lourdes
Concetto Marchesi
Basilica of the Annunciation Nazareth
Europe 2008
30th Ann. San Marino Brotherhood Association - USA
Beijing Olympics Games - Sheet
2008 The complete year with 3 sheets
Artists 3rd Issue
75th World Championships of Cycling
500th ann. the birth of Andrea Palladio
Interantiona Polar Year
Christmas 2008
UNESCO World Heritage - Sheet
San Marino year 2009
Potters Sammarinesi
50th anniversary of the CIO
Centenary of the Futurist - Sheet
Europe 2009 - Astronomy
Expo 2010 Shangai
World Air Games
38th ICPO Interpol European Regional Conference
200th ann. birth of Louis Braille
Mediterranean Games
1931 Views 10 stamps
1933 Zeppelin 6 stamps
1936 Air Mail year 1931 overprinted 2 stamps
1942 Air Mail year 1931 overprinted 2 stamps
1943 XX Fasci - not emitted
1946 Views 10 stamps
1947 Lire 100 brown
1947 Philatelic Day
1948 Lire 200 on Lire 25
1950 UPU Lire 200
1950 Views 9 stamps
1950 Milano Fair
1951 75* UPU anniversary Lire 300
1951 75° UPU anniversary L. 200 imperforated
1951 View Lire 500 brown and green
1951 Philatelic day San Marino Riccione
1951 L. 1000 Airplane flag and view
1951 In favor of the flooded ones
1952 4° Philatelic day san Marino Riccione
1952 Fotogrammetrico
1954 L. 1000 airplane view and coat of arms
1955 Olympics Games
1956 Cortina d'Ampezzo overprinted
1958 View of the Mountain Titano
1959 Birds
1959 1° flight Rimini London
1961 Helicopter
1963 Airplanes
1964 L. 1000 aereo III
1965 L. 500 airplane
1972 L. 1000 airplane
1974 Flight to sail
1978 1° volo dei F.lli Wright
1907 Allegory and view of San Marino
1923 Value of 1933 overprinted
1923 Expres 60 on 25 c.
1926 Express of 1923 overprinted L. 1.25 su 60 c.
1927 Express of 1923 overprinted L. 1,25 on 60/25 c.
1929 Express Freedom and view
1943 Express coat-of-arms 2 stamps
1945 Express - View of San Marino 2 stamps
1946 Previous types - View of San Marino without watermark 2 stamps
1946 Express for Foreign L.30
1947 Express of 1945-46 overprinted - 5 stamps
1950 Previous types watermark wheel 2 stamps
1957 Express previous overprinted - 2 stamps
1965 Crossbow overprinted - 2 stamps
1966 Crossbow - 3 stamps
1937 Independence
1938 Abramo Lincoln
1945 Giosuè Carducci - 2 sheets
1951 UPU Lire 200
1951 U.P.U. Lire 300
1951 U.P.U. Lire 200 N.D.
1952 Philatelic Day
1953 Ski
1954 Lire 1000 aereo - 2° issue
1955 Sport - Athlete to rings
1958 Views Lire 500
1960 Olimpic Games
1961 Helicopter
1961 Europe '61
1962 Europe
1964 Lire 1000 aereo - 3° issue
1965 Lire 500 aereo - 4° issue
1974 Torneo Balestra
1977 Centenary first stamps of San Marino
1981 Two thousandth anniversary of the dead of Virgilio
1984 Los Angeles - Olympic Games
1986 China art
1988 Seul - Olympic Games
1989 Europe
1990 Soccer World Championship
1991 The new Europe
1992 Barcellona Olimpic Games
1993 Television
1993 The Europa Village
1994 Lillehammer Winter Olympic Games
1994 Church of Saint Mark to Venice
1995 Centenarian of the invention of the radio - Guglielmo Marconi
1995 Centenarian of the Cinema
1996 Relations RSM/Cina
1996 History of the Italian Song
1996 Christmas
1997 Hong Kong
1997 Cars - The Volkswagen
1997 History of the Italian Comic strip
1998 50° Anniversary of the Ferrari
1998 Flag in the space
1998 A century of Space
1999 Four centuries of Melodramma
1999 100 years of Milan
1999 Cars - Audi
2000 Two thousandth anniversary of the birth of Jesus
2000 XX Century
2001 - Ferrari World Championship
2001 - Centenarian of the dead of Giuseppe Verdi
2001 - Games of the little States
2001 - Christmas
2002 - Soccer World Championship
2002 - First Stamp of San Marino
2002 - Tourism
2002 - Christmas
2003 - The taste of our earth
2003 - Nordic Sky - World Championship
2003 - Cycling
2003 - Christmas
2003 - La Fenice
2004 - China
2004 - Meeting of Rimini
2004 - Theatre to the Scala of Milan
2005 - The Variety
2005 - Great Italian wines
2006 - The two Republics
2007 Presidency of the Council of Europe
2007 - Philatelic Manifestation
2007 - Rocche of Freedom
2007 - Great Italian wines
2008 - European Year of Intercultural Dialogue
2008 - Beijing Olimpic Games
2008 - 100 Years of Inter - Sheet
2008 - UNESCO
2009 - Centenary of the Futurist
2009 - Wines of San Marino
2009 - Italian Language Day - Dante Alighieri
2009 - Centenario del Bologna Football Club - minifoglio
2009 - Christmas
2010 - San Marino at the Shanghai Expo 2010: the City State
la Città Stato
2010 - 21st Olympic Winter Games
2010 - Joint issue - San Marino - Japan
2010 - Joint issue - San Marino - Gibraltar
2011 - Flowers of the Republic of San Marino
2011 - Tourism. 2nd issue
2011 - His Holiness Pope Benedict XVII visit to the Republic of San Marino
2011 - 150th anniversary of the conferment of honorary citizenship to Giuseppe Garibaldi
2011 - World Day of Theatre
2011 - 30th anniversary of the Autonomous Philatelic Numismatic of San Marino
2011 - Christmas
2011 - European Year of Volunteering
2013 - Nordic Ski World Championship 2013
2013 - 550th anniversary of the definition of the borders between the Republic of San Marino and Italy
1928 Type in a sealed section without perforation in the center - 15 stamps
1945 Type of 1928 - perforated in the center - 15 stamps
1946 Complementary values - 2 stamps
1948 Stamps of 1946 overprinted - 2 stamps
1953 Type of 1945/26 watermark wheel - 2 stamps
1956 Type 1953 with filigree stars - 5 stamps
1965 Type 1956 watermark feathers - 5 stamps
1925 New colors - 9 stamps
1927 Complementary values - 4 stamps
1931 Tipe of 1925 overprinted - 15 stamps
1936 Stamps of 1925/27 overprinted - 7 stamps
1939 type with 1897-1919 figures in brown - 6 stamps
1940 Overprinted 4 stamps
1945 Coat-of-arms - 16 stamps
1985 Booklet Games of Small States
1990 - European Year of the Tourism
1992 - European Year of the Tourism
1996 - Mean Evo Days
1998 - Soccer World Championship France 98
2000 - 1700° Anniversary Foundation of Rep.S.Marino
2004 - Wolkswagen
2006 - Christmas
1985 Booklet Games of Small States
1990 - European Year of the Tourism
1992 - European Year of the Tourism
1996 - Mean Evo Days
1998 - Soccer World Championship France 98
2000 - 1700° Anniversary Foundation of Rep.S.Marino
2004 - Wolkswagen
2006 - Christmas
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1990 - European Year of the Tourism | Mint NH
2000 - 1700° Anniversary Foundation of Rep.S.Marino | Mint NH
1996 - Mean Evo Days | Used
2004 - Wolkswagen | nuovo**
1998 - Soccer World Championship France 98 | Mint NH
2006 - Natale | Nuovo**
1985 Booklet Games of Small States | Mint NH
1996 - Mean Evo Days | Mint NH
1992 - European Year of the Tourism | Mint NH