1939 Vacant See
1939 Election of Pope Pius XII
1940 Little Medals
1942 Prisoners I° set
1943 25° year of the Episcopate of Pius XII
1944 Prisoners II° set
1944 4° Cent. Academy of the Vituous
1945 Little Medals 10 stamps
1945 Prisoners III set
1945 Overprinted 10 v.
1946 400th Anniv of Inauguration of Council of Trent.
1949 Basilicas
1949 Holy Year
1950 Centenary of Papal Guard
1951 Proclamation of Dogma of the Assumption
1951 Beatification of Pope Pius X
1951 1500th Anniv of Council of Chalcedon
1952 Type Basilicas 12 su 13 L.
1952 Centenary Stamp
1953 50th Anniv of Martyrdom of St. Maria Goretti
1953 St. Peter's Basilica. Medallions in black
1953 700th Death Anniv of St. Clare (founder of Poor Clares Order)
1953 800th Death Anniv of St. Bernard of Clairvaux
1953 800th Anniv of 'Libri Sententiarum' by Peter Lombard, Bishop of Paris
1954 25th Anniv of Lateran Treaty
1954 Marian Year and Centenary of Dogma of the Immaculate Conception
1954 Canonization of Pope Pius
1954 Bicentenary of Elevaion of Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi to Papal Chapel
1954 1600th Birth Anniv of St. Augustine
1954 Termination of Marian Year.
1955 1200th Anniv of Martyrdom of St. Boniface
1955 500th Death Anniv of Fra Giovanni da Fiesole, Fra Angelico (painter)
1955 5th Death Centenary of Pope Nicholas V
1955 900th Death Anniv of St. Bartholomew the Young
1956 450th Anniv of Swiss Guard
1956 5th Death Centenary of St. Rita at Cascia
1956 4th Death Centenary of St. Ignatius of Loyola
1956 5th Death Centenary of St. John of Capistrano
1956 Black Madonna of Czestochowa Commemoration
1957 Death Centenary of St. Domenico Savio
1957 5th Centenary of Capranica College
1957 20th Anniv of the Pontifical Academy of Science.
1957 8th Centenary of Mariazell Basilica
1958 Centenary of Apparition of the Virgin Mary at Lourdes
1958 Brussels International Exhibition
1958 Birth Bicentenary of Antonio Canova (sculptor)