1961 complete year - 148v
Ordinary series 11 stamps
Regional customs 9 stamps
Russian novels 5 stamps
Protection of the nature - animals 3 stamps
40° anniversary of the plan of Lenin of electrification
Agriculture and breeding of the cattle 4 stamps
Anniversary of the birth of Dobroliubov
Centenarian of the birth of Zelinski
Anniversary of the Republic of Georgia
Anniversary of the dead women of Miroscnicenko
Centenarian of the dead women of Scevcenko poet of the Ucraina 4 stamps
6° centennial of the birth of To. Rublev
125° anniversary of the birth of N.W.Sklifosovski surgeon
50° of the dead women of R. koch doctor
50° of the Russian popular choruses Piatniski
Launch of the Venusik rocket 2 stamps
In honor of first J.A.Gagarin cosmonaut - series not perforated 4 stamps
In honor of first cosmonaut J.A. Gagarin 4 stamps
In memory of the popular University to Moscow dedicated to Lumumba
Centenarian of the newspaper Turn of the World
Day of the freedom African 2 stamps
91° anniversary of the birth of Lenin
International day of Infancy
Centenarian of the birth of R.Tagore Indian poet
International exposure of the Job to Torino
Understood them of the independent republics 10 stamps
For the dead of Lumumba
91° anniversary of the birth of Lenin 2° series 3 stamps
5 launch of 4 and ship spaces them Soviet
150° anniversary of the birth of W.G.Belinski, journalist and writer
40° anniversary of the meteorological service
In honor of the Soviet hero Karbiscev
Spartachiadi Soviet of the technical sports 3 stamps
Centenarian of the birth of W. Paschawela, poet
70° anniversary of the birth of S.J.Wawilov President of the Academy of Sciences
40° anniversary of the Popular Republic of Mongolia
World-wide Forum of the youth to Moscow 3 stamps
5° International conference of Biochemistry to Moscow
Centenarian of saga the Estone Kalevipoeg
Bicentennial of the birth. of A.D. Sacharov, architect
7° Sports of the laborers
20 years of the defense of various Soviet cities 4 stamps
15° anniversary of the International Union of Students
40° anniversary of the Soviet stamp 4 stamps
In honor of the cosmonaut H. Stepanovic 2 stamps
In honor of the cosmonaut H. Stepanovic without perforation 2 stamps
Monuments to Soviet celebrities 2 stamps
International week of the letter
3° centenaro of the city of Irkutsk
22° Conference of the Communist Party to Moscow 5 stamps
Jobs collectives of the communist youth 3 stamps
10° anniversary of the International Federation of the Resistance
For the Soviet people, rocket spaces
22° conference of the Party to Moscow, overprinted previous stamp
In honor of the hero A. Imanov
150° anniversary of the birth of F. Liszt, musician and composer
44° anniversary of the Revolution of October
5° world-wide Conference of the mayoralties laborers to Moscow 6 stamps
250° anniversary of the dead women of Lomonosov 3 stamps
Participation of the youth to the plan weekly magazine 3 stamps
Soviet ballets 4 stamps
25° anniversary of the Soviet Constitution
120° anniversary of the birth of A. Pumpur, poet
Stamp of air mail n. A112 overprinted with new value
15° anniversary of the Popular Republic of Bulgaria
Centenarian of the birth of F.Nansen, explorer